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Do you have a physical store?
While we no longer have a physical store, you can order everything you need online.
Local delivery days & times
Order before 17:00
Delivery days
Monday - Friday
Delivery times
10:00am - 15:00pm
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Please see our shipping policy for more information here.
Do you offer international shipping?
Yes we ship internationally.
Please see more information here.
Do you offer consultations with a herbalist?
Yes, we offer consultations with a qualified herbalist to help you choose the right products and create a personalised wellness plan.
Please see our specialised services page for more information.
What is your refund policy?
Please see our refund policy here.
How long does Seamoss last?
For optimal quality and maximum freshness, we recommend consuming 3 jars within 4 weeks.
How much Seamoss should I consume for maximum benefits?
We recommend to consume 3 jars of Seamoss within 4 weeks.
Are your products 100% Vegan?
Yes all of our products are 100% Vegan.